Sonntag, Juni 12, 2005

19...Whalesharks (in English)

Due to the fact that I've met many non-german speaking people I have decided to (try to) write in English...

The Whaleshark tour was one of my best experience in Australia.
We were 16 people on the boat, included our Group of 6.
First, we tried out the Snokeling Gear on the Outer Reef. After that the crew looked for the Whalesharks and suddenly, after 20 Minutes, the boat skipper pushed down the gas pedal. Few minutes later, the boat stopped and the crew said:"No Whalesharks, but Manta Rays!!!" So, we adventured into the water and I saw these flying mysterious objects under the water. With a width from 3-4 metres from one wingtip to the other. They circle around, coming towards you with their open mouth, they swim up in front of you and you can see the white underbelly with outerworldly gills. They are so calm that you forget everything around you, "magical".
We swam back to the boat, went a bit around and the Whaleshark Sightseeing commenced with avengence.
The 16 people on boat were divided into two groups with 8 people. One group into the water, 4 people at every site, face under water and wait then for the Whaleshark.
And then, the monsterous fish appears with a mouth so wide like a garage door.
It wasn't so easy to keep going with this mountain of meat, because it was quite fast.
It is so calm and when he isn't feeling like entertaining us he descends and disappears.
We then swam back to the boat, the boat turned its direction that it faced the next Whaleshark and the crew shout:" Go, go, go, jump in the water, quick, quick." and the procedure begins again.
I jumped up to seven times into the water, saw Whaleshakrs up to 8 metres long and I can say, it's getting stressful at the end. But it was great.
We then left them alone to their wonderous magical netherworld and before we jumped the second time into the water to explore the reef (I saw the whole actors from the movie Finding Nemo and Nemo itself), we enjoyed the lunch with deliscious big prawns.
The tour was an experience I will never forget and absolutely worth of the money.